Posted by Leon:
just awoke from the craziest barrage of headcold-induced dreams, including but not limited to (and in no particular order) telling Lindsay to run off to the hospital for her "beginnicals", listening to a moth flutter around his ears before it crawled inside his head and emerged from a nostril in a caterpillar form, feeding the dog a peach and having him bark back in a southern accent, and ordering a "Tebow steak" at a restaraunt only to have the waiter/angel cross his arms, shake his head and murmur "tsk, tsk, tsks" as he ascended into the heavens.
My interpretation:
God, where to even begin! You've got several of the most basic mythological archetypes there. 1. The creation story- lindsay going to the hospital (where we all "begin") to get her "beginnicals"... certainly something that would somehow shed light on our strange emergence into the world. Can our emergence be explained? Not in any normal way, so a word must be invented. 2. The peach- forbidden fruit? I associate southern accent with racism. Incorrect sustenance (dogs don't eat peaches) leads to negative effects. Have you been eating well? Is a lack of nutrition or bodily maintenance leading to a Pandora's Box of health problems, like your sickness? 3. The transformation of the hero- a simple moth fluttering about enters your head and emerges in glory, transformed, not unlike a Native American sweat lodge or a bar mitzvah... but obviously, and oddly, your HEAD is the medium! It symbolizes your own act of becoming. When I think of moths I think of the woods, camping, and them flying into the fire. Brings up issues of duty, compulsion, and action- not unlike your own act of becoming, in the woods, running the trails, getting faster, rising through the ranks, becoming more than you were, but also sacrificing your body, in a way. 4. Which brings us to- the rise to transcendence. It's as if Freud himself wrote the Tebow sequence, with it's transubstantiation metaphor, the chiding of the one thinking he can judge himself worthy of entry to the heavens, and then the rapture. The rapture in runners' terms I suppose would be losing the race, getting left behind. You have misgivings about your rising stature and your ability to maintain it. Remember that existentially we make our own rules, we are not beholden to rules from above. Transcendence is not given, it's taken. We are free. Free to run as fast as we want, or not at all. The journey is what's important, not the beginnicals and not the endicals- THE JOURNEY. Run free Leon.